Meeshka has been telling me I need to start a blog, so here I am.
I am Sasha. I am a Siberian Husky.
My job is to rule Sashaville. Pretty much, wherever I am is Sashaville.
However, my main subjects live in my house with me.
Besides myself, there is Ray Charles. He's older and creakier than me, and he is blind. So I can pretty much boss him around pretty good.
Then there's Isis. She is an interloper who was only supposed to stay a short while, then find a home. That was over 4 years ago, so I guess she's not going anywhere.
I boss her around too.
I also have the human people who live here. They feed us (never enough) let us in and out, pet me when I demand it, and otherwise get in my way.
I do have them handily trained to give me liverwurst treats, so they are somewhat helpful.
My main goal in life is to abuse the other dogs I live with, and drive the humans crazy.
The humans really spend an overwhelming amount of time doing this "rescue" stuff.
I guess it's OK, and sometimes other dogs come and live here for a bit, that I get to boss around. Meeshka's human does the website for them: http://www.nbrescue.com
Anyway, that's it for now. Feel free to bask in my beauty for a while.
Welcome Sasha to the world of husky blogging!
Well its about freakin time!
Oh goody!! Another bossy doggie, just like me!! I am the boss at my house too. Seems we have a lot in common! Welcome to blogging land!
Woo Sasha... Welcome! I can't wait to read more of your adventures, ha roo!
Hi there!
Good to meet you, we found you from Indy's site. :)
Thrawn & The Brat Pack
Welcome to the dog blogging world. :) We found you on Indy's site too! Amici is the only dog in our home and although his personality isn't really the "boss" time he definitely has us wrapped around his paw. :)
Amici, Lee :) and Alan
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