
This is the first and last time a human will post on Sashaville.
When we came home from work today, Sasha couldn't get up. She hadn't moved from the spot she was in when we went to work in the morning. She laid there all day, didn't even get up to go out. She wagged her tail when we came in, but couldn't do anything else.
She tried to get up when we asked if she had to go out, but she just couldn't do it.
We knew it was time. We were hoping to have some of the fluid drained from around her heart tomorrow, but it wouldn't have done anything at this point.
So we did the only thing we could do for her. We ended her suffering. She is at peace, comfortable and running around again. Eric and I were with her when she went to sleep, so she wasn't alone. She was surrounded by love.
She was our first Siberian Husky. (if you've heard the story before, please bear with me) We had no idea we could find a purebred Siberian Husky in a shelter. We figured we'd go to the pet store at the mall. Fate had other plans.
My sister in law called me to see if I wanted to go to the shelter with her, to help her pick out a dog to adopt. I'm always for playing with dogs, so I went along.
We walk in, and there she was. Second cage on the left. A little black and white, bi-eyed Siberian Husky. I couldn't believe it. I immediately called Eric, and told him we had to get to the shelter first thing in the morning, because we had to adopt a dog (by the time we had gotten there that evening, adoption hours were over)
We weren't even in our house yet, so Sasha came home with me for 3 weeks, until we moved. My parents' old dog hated Sasha and her energy, so she hung in the family room for 3 weeks, where she ate a computer plug, 2 bags of beggin strips, an Elmo costume, and 3 jars of finger paints. We had pink and blue and purple pawprints all over the basement, and the couch, and the love seat.
We knew nothing about Sibes, besides the fact that they're gorgeous. Sasha gave us an education and fast. She loved to eat the phone book, and any hardback.
We had a round papasan chair. She kept all her toys on top of it, and all the stuff she stole that she shouldn't have underneath it. We'd come home and go see what she got into. She ran by us with a huge bottle of olive oil one day, and a bag of garlic another-clearly an Italian Siberian Husky.
She was the boss of the house, keeping Isis and Ray in line, as well as any fosters we had in the house. As soon as they came in, she mounted them, so they knew who was boss, and all was well.
She didn't keep her bossing to dogs. My father in law was in her spot on the sofa. She squeezed behind him, and shoved him off the couch, then curled up in his spot and went to sleep.
We had her for 9 years, almost. Her birthday is April 8. We don't know when it really is, but that's when we saw her at the shelter. 8 is my lucky number, and we got all our dogs on the 8th. We signed Isis's paperwork on Feb. 8, and we adopted Ray on October 8th (his real birthday).
And we met Sasha on April 8.
I can't believe she's gone. I'm waiting for to jump on the bed and shove me out of the way, or claw me for my breakfast, or jump in my spot when I got up, or hog the blankets, or do any of the million things she did every day.
I just don't know what I'm going to do without her.
Godspeed, Sasha.
My mom is trying to find the words fur me but I'm not sure she khan - and if she khan't, then it is up to me -
YOU did the best thing you khould do fur her -
WITH ONE AKHTION you showed up the most love you khould ever show her -
My mom remembers when she let her furst Sibe go - I bet Taltia is greeting Sasha - and so is LadyGray (who khame from TOTTSHR) -
We love you all so much but when the great dog khalls us bakhk, you have to let us go -
And as much as you think it WON'T happen, you WILL make room in your hearts and homes for another -
It's the Rule of Sibes - one goes BUT has to be replaced in due khourse by another -
Be free Sasha -
Know that Isis and Ray will try and khonsole your mom and dad -
I trust you left enough fuzz around to warm their toes - we know your spirit will furever warm their hearts -
Khyra and her mom Phyll
I am so sorry. Mom has told me and I am very sad. But know you did the right thing. Miss Sasha is happy and free from pain. Playing happily with my sister Nanook and all the others who have gone before her. God Speed Miss Sasha - Until we met again. Wear your silver harness proudly!! I know there isnt going to be a dry eye in the DWB world. I know there isnt here. I just wanna close with this poem. . . .
The Last Battle
If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
There are no words to say just how sorry I am. You did everything you could for her, and she knows how much you love her.
I know it is hard to lose her, but her memories will ALWAYS be with you, and she will be waiting for you to join her at the bridge. Until that time, she will romp and play with all the other Sibes who have gone before her and are waiting for their loved ones too.
Woooooing wooos of sadness for your loss, dear Sasha's people. Don't worry, she's joined a great pack at the RB and is surrounded by many of our brothers & sister sibes who are watching our humans. Well, OK, go ahead & worry.... it's a human thing. Know she's still with you, you just can't see her, but close your eyes & feel her nearby. Love is furever.
Star & Jack a-roo... and our beloved Sherman, waiting at the RB.
Doggie heaven is a place where *everyone* gets to have the very best window seat, with the very best view, all to themselves. She'll never have to boot Isis or her grandpa from the primo spot again.
Once she's settled in, my Shadow's going to show her around all the best digging spots. My Tasha, gone now for over a decade, is going to share her Doritos. And Lacey, Tasha's daughter, has many songs to teach Sasha. They will dig and snack and sing, and when they've done all that, they'll run and run and run.
I made Mama find this for me to give to you:
The time comes. A Siberian Husky lifts up its head.
There is an untested adventure beyond. Time to go.
Across the Rainbow Bridge is a place for all dogs.
A river runs wide and shallow with tennis balls that fly with their own wings;
That is the place for a Labrador or Golden to await its master's arrival.
The Siberian is not content here. Northward is its trail.
There are soft pastures for Aussies and Border Collies, with sheep and geese to pen.
Agility equipment grows like trees amid Frisbees and flyball.
But the North continues its sure wild call,
And the Siberian's journey continues.
Now the air is colder. Now the moon is always full.
Now the light is silver and it breaks and shimmers on fields of bright snow.
Now there are no roads, no walls, no pens, just endless space to run.
This is where Siberians gather, North of the Rainbow Bridge.
They wait in this beautiful place, happy, but not complete.
Suddenly, a howl begins, as one dog senses someone coming,
Someone very special.
All the Siberians raise their heads and join in the ancient chorus.
They dance like moonbeams and sing like winter winds.
There are red ones like dawn streaks, black ones splattered with many colors
And silver ones like the first strange hour before light.
They line up as if in harness and run together,
In a scintillating, many-colored streak.
The leader of the team guides the others past the fields
And river, with racing feet and racing heart.
They rush to greet the new arrival at the Rainbow Bridge
Where the leader is rejoined with its beloved person, never to be parted again.
The glory of the reunion is celebrated by all
The Siberians dwelling beyond the Bridge,
A glimmering, multicolored team leaping and whirling with joy.
The light from that scene is what we see on magical evenings
In the northernmost parts of this Earth:
The Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights beyond the Rainbow Bridge.
According to Norse Legend, the sacred Rainbow Bridge called Bifrost connects Midgard (the realm of humankind) with Asgard (the realm of the Gods). Also known as Asabru ("Bridge of Gods"), Bifrost was magically constructed from fire, water and air...whose quivering and changing hues it has retained. Not only do the Gods use this Bridge to travel to and from the Earth, it also leads to the Urdar Well, situated at the foot of the great ash Yggdrasil, where they assemble daily in council.
Of all the Gods onlyThor, God of Thunder, never passes over the Bridge for fear it might be demolished by his heavy tread and lightning bolts. The Watchman God Heimdall stands guard over over Bifrost night and day. Armed with a trenchant sword, he carries a trumpet called Giallar-horn, upon which he generally blows a soft note to announce the coming or going of the Gods. However, Heimdell is destined to sound a terrible trump at the dawn of Ragnarok...the time the Frost Giants will unite with Surtr to destroy the world. During Ragnarok...the end of the cosmos...it is said that Bifrost, the Rainbow Bridge, will collapse and shatter beneath the weight of the monsters
The following poem is inspired by this Norse Legend
By the edge of a woods, at the foot of a hill,
Is a lush, green meadow where time stands still.
Where the friends of man and woman do run,
When their time on earth is over and done.
For here, between this world and the next,
Is a place where each beloved creature finds rest.
On this golden land, they wait and they play,
Till the Rainbow Bridge they cross over one day.
No more do they suffer, in pain or in sadness,
For here they are whole, their lives filled with gladness.
Their limbs are restored, their health renewed,
Their bodies have healed, with strength imbued.
They romp through the grass, without even a care,
Until one day they start, and sniff at the air.
All ears prick forward, eyes dart front and back,
Then all of a sudden, one breaks from the pack.
For just at that instant, their eyes have met;
Together again, both person and pet.
So they run to each other, these friends from long past,
The time of their parting is over at last.
The sadness they felt while they were apart,
Has turned into joy once more in each heart.
They embrace with a love that will last forever,
And then, side-by-side, they cross over… together.
-- Steve and Diane Bodofsky --
I hope what they wrote helps you and the rest of your family. Know that there is much wooing and crying here tonight, and many prayers.
Thor, LeeLee, Smoky, Bandit, and our mama, Stacy
The deafening silence and enormous hole left behind as Sasha slides over the rainbow bridge is a testament to how wonderful she was while with you. Our dogs always handle life and death so much better than we do. It's hard to imagine that we are supposed to be the more advanced species. Thank you for saving your sweet Sasha, and caring for her in life and as she passed over the bridge. Our prayers are with you and your family as you mourn the loss of your larger than life, Sasha.
Alpha of The Forget Sit & Stay Gang
Go gentle into the night sweet Sasha.
You live forever in the hearts of your humans, and in the hearts of those who got to meet you and pet your fluffiness.
Claw your way to the Rainbow Bridge and wait for us, for we shall all meet again someday.
Meeshka (and the human woman)
We are all thinking of you.
We are sooooooo sorry! Run free, Sasha and play with all our other friends at the Rainbow Bridge!
Aire-hugs to all of you!
Poppy & Penny
Run free and without pain now, sweet Sasha. Never forget the love your family showed you; we know they will never forget you.
To Sasha's family: Please know that Sasha will always be with you and though you hurt now, she does not. Thank you for the unselfish love you've shown her. May the memories you have of your time together comfort you.
With love,
The Ao4 and our bipeds
We are so very sorry that Sasha had to go to the Bridge. We are sending you purrs and hugs and soft woofs.
Riley, Tiki, & Kesey
{{{big hugs}}} to all of you.
We're so very sorry to hear this sad, sad news. We always hope for a little time to prepare ourselves for the heartache but sometimes that just isn't possible. It's never easy to help them on their way but we know we must. It's the least we can sometimes do for the years of unconditional love they show us. Hold her in your heart forever and one day, you'll meet again. In the meantime we can only hope that another furry face will come along with that all too familiar glimmer in an ice blue eye. You'll find her there.
Wish we could have known your sweet Sasha. Our pawrents know your pain. We will pray that the pain subsides and the wonderful memories heal your heartache.
Love Licks & healing hugs
They are never, ever with us long enough. But Sasha will live on in your heart forever. She is running free of pain & waiting for you at the bridge.
Wishing you peace...
Sherman, Penny, Lola & mom, Jen
I'm sooooo very sorry to hear about Sasha's passing! My thoughts & prayers are with you. RIP girl...
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Thank you for loving her so much. We are very sorry for your loss.
Oh my gosh, we're sorry we are late in posting. We are all so, so sorry to hear about this. She will be dearly missed and knows how much you all loved her.
Run free over the Bridge sweet girl until we meet again.
Maryann & The Brats
We are sorry to hear about Sasha. She was a great dog and introduce her humans to the wonder world of huskies. You will be missed, Sasha.
Steve and Kat
I am so sorry. Goodbye Sasha, we'll meet again someday at the Rainbow Bridge. I had fun at your house that time, even though you were afraid to cross the new kitchen floor.
Our furry family and our human are so very sorry for your loss! R.I.P. Sasha! God Bless
Velcro, Kodak, Winton,3 perf and mom
We are very sorry to hear the sad news about Sasha. Our hearts go out to all of you.
Love from Hammer
Run free & without pain, Sasha!
Oh, I know just how you feel. It's been over 1 year that we had to say good-bye to our Shanna. Cosi & Juni have filled our hearts this past year with such joy, but we still miss her. You did everything you could to have her with you as long as you could. Letting go is the hardest, but it is the good memories with her that live on!
-Marlene, Cosmos & Juneau-
Our deepest sympathies for you and your family. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Balboa and mommy
Bless you Sasha and your bipeds too! You brought them joy and taught them about the "Siberian Spirit". Well done, Girl! May you be enjoying the romp with all that made it North of the Bridge before you with the joy and love sent with you from "here".
To Sasha's Humans,
Doodles is sorry Sasha has to go North. I am sorry for you, her humans, because you will miss her horribly, I know cuz Da Momma still misses the Sage, and the Sage went North before Doodles came here. She still leaks sometimes, but then she hugs me and tells me I am wonderful. I always give Da Momma special kisses when she leaks. Hug your other pups, they have special kisses for you that will help the pain you are in right now. Hug them lots, so get get lots of those healing, special kisses.
For Sasha, meet up with Da Momma's Sage up there North of the Rainbow Bridge. I sawed pictures of him and he's the handsome one. I know he will show you around, cuz he went there before his time too. Godspeed Sweet Sasha, and please don't be too boosy with me when I get there -- I don't like bossy ladies.
Special kisses and soft woos for your humans.
Doodles Out.
So sorrys to hear the sad news about Sasha. My peeps know it was toughs. Their thoughts and prayers to you and licks and sniffs from me.
Freda (Ƨ)
We read about Sasha on The Brat Pack and we stopped by to say how sorry we are. It's so hard to lose one of our family. We send purrs and prayers for those Sasha loved.
It is always so difficult to let go, please find comfort in knowing that Sasha will be waiting for you North of the Rainbow Bridge.
Dakota and The Mom
We heard this sad news via Pippa.
We are so sorry.
You are in our hearts and minds tonight.
Even though we have left dog blogging, Sasha's sweet light shines on in our hearts.
Love and much sad light,
Jeannie and Marvin Retired from the Blogs
Please take care and know we are thinking of you all.
I'm so sorry about Sasha. The pictures sure show that she was loved. Every time you think of her, know that she's watching over you.
We're very sorry to hear that Sasha has gone over the Rainbow bridge. We hope you and your family are doing the best that you can.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
We are so sorry to hear about Sasha. I am sure she is in a much happier place - when it's time they tell you. Fly free dear Sasha! We will miss you!
Woofs, Johann
we miss Sasha a lot.. sure..
we send to her family all our love in this bad moments...
a big hug
I am so sorry that you have lost the physical presence of your friend. I know this cannot be easy for you but I have no doubt that you have many cherished memories to help dry your tears of sadness. My mom, who is a doggy doctor, says that you made such a kind and loving decision for your friend. She is also very sorry for you. woof.
Karen, I'm so sorry. It's so hard to lose them. I loved the story, which I hadn't heard, and loved the collection and the way she stole things. A big personality to keep with you always.
Aw a very bad news...I think whenever Sasha is she is in good hand...All her memories will be cherish in this blog...
dog pens
We came on your bloggie whilst wandering today- don't know if anyone ever comes here, wanted offer soft husky wooooos,
Thank you for stopping by and commenting, RA Husky.
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